Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wiki, Wiki, Who's Got the Liki?

Does it strike anyone as strange that the messenger just got shot?

Oh, sure, Julian Assange is some kind of rapist. Just like Kobe Bryant.

Why all the interest all of sudden?

Why are we so surprised that Hamid Karzai is no Mr. Rogers?

Looks to me like ole Julian caught a bunch a people with their pants down and they decided to take him down.

It wasn't that long ago that the leak business was the province of mainstream media. Remember the Pentagon Papers, Washington Post, New York Times? I presume the Washington Post has been just as free with the leaked material as the New York Times. Nobody seems to be screaming about the coverage. It seems strange that the big newspapers have sidestepped doing their job while participating in the smear campaign of the guy who stepped up to the plate.

Let's see. There's a major campaign of cyber warfare against WikiLeaks. Then they get snubbed by the cyber community because their internet service providers and money changers are just a bunch of pussies in suits. Then somebody pays off these two hookers to say the WikiLeaks founder assaulted them. What else can we add to this pile of shit?

Chris Rock, where are you when we need you? This is great stuff here.

You mean to tell me that Hamid Karzai is just another warlord bad boy trying to hold it together with a bunch of ruffians and will use whatever money he can find to further his agenda?

What about Joe Biden, the Liki King? Surely he tipped somebody off about the diplomatic traffic. Isn't that what he does?

Did we cozy up to the Chinese to launch the denial-of-service attacks against the WikiLeaks infrastructure? Are the cyber warriors covering up the assault? How can the average Joe, unable to manage his personal computer, understand that cyber warfare even exists much less appreciate how sophisticated and widespread it has become?

Get ready to sit down with the Chinese and every hacker on the planet is after your cyber ass! What does that tell you? Don't forget the new Chinese fighter jets and aircraft carriers, by the way.

Looks like the ship is sinking and the finger-pointing has just begun. We got a tax cut to worry about. Never mind the sinking, we gotta raid the treasury to make the taxpayers think they're gonna be rescued. Call in the Somalian Navy, boys. Surely, we can depend upon them for some help.

Anybody paying attention to the rats?

Chris, help me out here! The stink is so bad is hard to tell where it's coming from.

What is truly disturbing is the impact of Political Correctness on Freedom of Speech. It looks like the former means 'just don't say ANYTHING' and the latter has been pushed aside.

They Shoot Whistleblowers, Don't They? could be the title of the movie about the demise of the American dream. Or should it be They Shoot Prophets, Don't They? Maybe They Shoot Patriots, Don't They? is closer to the truth.

Don't forget, we have young American men and women dying in Afghanistan while the REMFs are debating gay and leak policy. This ain't Denmark, but something's rotten.

Bring our people home, by God!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

It's True Your Honor, Dumbitch Just One Word

Maybe in the case of your favorite female canine critter, the word bitch stands alone without an adjective or other modifier. But, just when I thought I had seen everything, along came Madeleine Pickens.

Today marks that day of infamy. Is this what our guys fought for? Did they die just so this idiot could take up space and practice being stupid in the name of the greater good?

Remember T. Boone Pickens? He's the poster boy for Gordon Gekko in the movie Wall Street.  He still thinks his greed is good for everybody and wants the feds to use taxpayer dough to advance his personal agenda for greater wealth. His wealth. "That's the one thing you have to remember about WASPs: they love animals and hate people," said Gekko.

I thought the world to be safe because Boone wouldn't be around much longer.

Along comes what's-her-name with a Pickens-esque plan to save the nation's wild mustangs. Of course, she expects the American taxpayer to cough up the bulk of the money. What does less than one percent of Boone's wealth mean to her? I'll bet she has one of those little yapper dogs, too! Whaddya think, Boone? Has she ever had a thought or did she steal that one brain cell from you?


If there was ever proof that the intelligence of American women is high on the endangered list, this is it. Must be those hormones forging linkages in the brain that would forever remain dormant, otherwise.

Look at that getup. Looks like she think she's hot; maybe smarter than the rest of us. Check those stupid boots. You can tell by the shine she wears them everyday workin' them ponies she proclaims to love so dearly. Bet Boone would like to get his up. Looks like arrogance to me. Perfect photo for some of Salavador Dali's better work.

Spare us your misplaced sympathies, girl. Go back to the hairdresser where your shit is more likely to fly. You're the one in need of fencing lest you contaminate the rest of the gene pool. Put your head back under that heater and let that thing you call a brain cook a little longer.

Bring our people back from Afghanistan, by the way, and let those ragheads fight it out amongst themselves. Al Gathafi be praised. Let's all do something worthwhile today!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Consent of the Governed Smothered

The last death-rattle of the Pelosi Congress looks to be more spending.

Middle-class tax cuts, deficit-reduction tax increases, more unemployment benefits, reduced health-care for the military, where's any substantive reduction in handouts to the constituents? Will the censure of Charles Rangel finally save us from ourselves?

When did life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness disappear from the national debate? Did we really believe that ratification of the Constitutional Recipe for equality would take care of everything forever?

In the middle of the 18th century in America, the struggle between Loyalists and Revolutionaries came to the fore. The Loyalists were content with their handouts from the King, America exported her precious raw materials to England, and Americans purchased finished goods from England, courtesy of George III. Read the British version of this history and George will be exonerated. It was the cost of managing the colonies in America that caused the taxation that got the Patriots (Revolutionaries) upset. Golly gee!

Here it is holiday time 2010 and there are those Patriots yearning to be free of the burden of the handouts to the politically fortunate, now feeling righteously entitled to their piece of the public treasury.

As a nation, we seem to have lost any sense of duty to those 'yearning to breathe free.' More like a dedication to those 'yearning to get it for free.' Where is there any meaningful debate on a reduction in spending?

It would appear that our government has lost interest in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. What we have in stead is the pursuit of the special interest. When was the last time we heard anything about the common good?

What we hear instead is a bunch of rhetoric (read bullshit) about how unemployment benefits will get our fellow citizens back to work. How about some tax credits for companies that insource the work that is now done overseas? How about some teeth in our immigration laws to stop illegals from draining our local governments of cash?

The Declaration of Independence spells out the solution to this state of affairs in no uncertain terms:

...whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it...