Silly raghead! Candy flavored breakfast cereal is for Americans!
Today's theme is educated folly. Michael Bloomberg's a smart guy, right? Even O'Bozo could lay claim to some kind of intelligence. Certainly has the pedigree. Did he check the box? The one guranteeing a free ride for bloodsucking minority scumbags?
In the grocery store yesterday, shopping for grillables. That's griyablahs, in case you think I use propane. Anyway, while looking at poultry it was impossible to ignore the comment coming from behind me. It was so inane, I did not turn to assess the speaker. Had to be a tourist. This is what she said, are you ready?
"We don't eat chicken. You know, the salmonella."
I'm just gonna' leave it at that. Oh, okay, it's the kind of mindless crap that falls from the mouths of politicians.
So, about that mosque at Ground Zero...
Remember Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb? It seems like a lot of Americans are Comfortably Dumb. I'm sure Mayor Bloomberg would like us to think his heart is in the right place. Forgive and forget, right? Let's extend the olive branch to those camel jockeys (Yes, Virginia, they can vote) to illustrate the fine qualities New Yorkers espouse.
Let's do a bell-shaped curve on the Muslim population. As the curve begins to rise, the degree of literacy begins to drop. Of the one billion Mulims in the world, ninety percent are unable to read or write. There are some Muslim scholars, and there are educated Muslims in America and other places, including Jerusalem. Fair enough.
But in the world, there are more illiterate sand niggers than there are Americans. Think about it.
America! The rest of the world is focused on survival! Only in the Land of the Free is there such abundance that we focus on Angelina and Brad. The have-nots have not the cultivated world view to work hard, educate their children and create a better community. They will gladly kill us, take what we have, trash it and call the process righteous Holy War!
Forgive and forget? I know some Jews, no offense, who do not forgive. They atone. I'm not saying these people represent Judaism. I know Christians who do not forgive. What I am saying is that Jews do not forget! Neither do Arabs, Iraqis, Afghanis, Persians, Koreans, Russians and Chinese. Whom have I left out?
I would argue forgiveness is about peace of mind. No need to trouble yourself over the uninsured illegal alien who just trashed the rear quarter of your new ride at Wal Mart. Shoot the son of a bitch, be done with it. God will forgive you if you repent. Relax.
Americans think the rest of world to be like themselves. Sorry, it ain't so. Palestinians (lots of Arabs, too) treat each other like shit and don't have a clue about being nice. Nice is what you be when you want your lies to be believed.
So, these nice, educated Muslim-Americans want to build a place where they can worship. Remember, the men and women worship separately, which is probably not a bad idea. But they call their place of worship a mosque which usually has what's called a minaret whence some fanatic begins a shrill prayer at sunrise for all to hear. These days they use the same amplifiers as Metallica. Fine. NIMBY.
How about a concert carillon and the Star-Spangled Banner? You listening, Roseanne? Those ragheads would probably let you grab your crotch and scream the call to prayer like a banshee any day you want. Not on your life. You must have a dick, not just be one.
So these are nice Muslims in the Big Apple. Shoot, you probably couldn't hear the muezzin for the taxicabs and jackhammers. Who cares?
But we are talking about a modern American holy of holies, where innocent people died because some third-world avenger thought a bomb in the garage was not enough. Remember the people who jumped to their deaths rather than eat fire. Remember, these dumbshit, illiterate, raghead motherfuckers don't give a damn about OUR children. That's all there is to it.
These same zombie terrorists will see a mosque at the World Trade Center as a monument to jihad, a symbol of their victory over the infidel. They don't have enough command of any language to have a sense of higher purpose, only what some rabble-rousing mullah pours into their ears. These people are the dregs of society, the bane of religious practice. It ain't fuckin' supernatural and they ain't fuckin' Sufis.
In my quiet moments, I would like nothing better than to shoot the lot of them. Build that mosque we might as well raise a Palestinian flag over the sacred site and have Drew Carey wave money and plane tickets on morning Al-Jazeera singing 'Come on down?' Brotherly Leader would be proud.
Get the picture? Start building that sacrilege in New York City and I best be hustlin' Timothy McVeigh out of stir to do what he does best. This ain't about picante sauce.
Enough with the mosque. Build it in Bedford where Brotherly Leader wanted to put up his tent. That would be a true monument to the ignorant, two-faced bigotry those lily-livered, lace-pants, white-ass New York, better-than-thou, godless motherfuckers practice behind closed doors, Mr. Mayor.
Remember Beirut. You can bet those Hamas shitbirds do! These guys in the photo remind me of Sauron's elite troops in Return of the King. I'm sure they sell the headbands and scarves from their website. Looks like the Paypal Salute!
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