Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ipsa This!

It must have been the first episode of NYPD:Blue when Sippowitz does a Roseanne on the courthouse steps, making a snide comment to his future wife. At least now we can focus on what is really important. That being the doughnut.

That being said, regardless one's bent and whether or not you think this lady is a left-wing dingbat, remember that Tuesday is trash day (well, it is at my house). Take it outside!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

That Little Faggit's Got an M-16

Season 4 of Boston Legal had Crane, Poole & Schmidt defending a gay general who had been dismissed after years of service. The general said he regretted not being more supportive of his gay son, also in the US Army.


If you guys want to parade your tiny swinging dicks, do it on Main Street or Fifth Avenue. The rest of us have little interest in your preferences and proclivities and would rather you kept them to yourselves. Confront me with that thing and my only inclination is to cut it off.

Most gay guys I've had occasion to know seem distant, unwilling to engage me as a true friend. I find they prefer the company of other gays and liberal wusses. They also seem to have an aspect of despair about them and feign a lightness of being to cover it. Just an observation. I am just as happy to be wrong. Call me a homophobe if it makes you feel better. In fact, just call me, show me you're a real person. Or keep on ignoring me as you have in the past. UP yours!

The US Army is not a platform from which you guys should be proclaiming your differences, uniqueness, whatecver. It's embarassing. What's the matter with you? Praise God a higher court has overturned the injunction. If one of you should be willing march with me into battle, I will embrace you with open arms.

Should you wish to pursue a career as some kind of REMF and wear pink underwear while telling me how great it is, get outta town! As for you bull types, there is an abundance of hetero female types willing to take YOU on!

Take it somewhere else!

Bring the rest of our men and women home and let those infidels fight it out among THEMselves.

Find Jesus within yourself.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pelosi Congress Sets Spending Records

Happy Tuesday, ladies and gentlemen. Amidst all the BS (not behavioral science) those Congressional scumbags have done us in. Check the Congressional Budget Office numbers from today's Journal:

Be sure to read how the feds have co-opted the private sector by sucking up the available capital and what the 'recovery' has cost so far. Not to mention, O'Bummer-care has yet to kick in and small business is wondering how much tax they will have to pay next year.

Will the REAL Nancy Pelosi please stand up!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

We Made Him a Killer, Now We Owe Him

Nice looking fellow, yes? Handsome, all-American boy. No doubt about it. There's definitely some intensity in those eyes. His family is proud of him. Of that, we can be sure.

So, we, American society, lure him into the armed services with all kinds of inducements. The litany is long, illustrious and distinguished.

We train him to be a heartless killer. We forge his consciousness into the amygdala, a part of the lower brain sitting on top of the brain stem with superfast synapse chains for lighting-quick recognition and action. This guy can now see the world in Technicolor, Panavision, Super Slo-Mo. Get it? Wow! There are no second thoughts here. Simply recognition and action. Oh! Did I mention we trained him and equipped him to kill quickly and efficiently rather than flee the apparent danger? Never mind. Next, we put him in a war zone, not some live-fire exercise. Let's say an urban setting where the guys shooting at him look like everybody else, except they have automatic weapons and lots of ammunition and don't mind dying because of the seventy virgins waiting for them in heaven. And, oh yes, they were trained by the best tacticians in America! Finally, before we drop him off, we have some dirtbag lawyer in a uniform explain the incomprehensible and conflicting rules of engagement that specify when he can kill and when he's not supposed to. So now he's very well trained and very confused.

This is a story straight from the archives of In the Valley of Elah. That's where David took on Goliath, by the way. It's a story of madness created from ignorance in the minds of otherwise intelligent people who have never been to war and experienced the ultimate political tool. We have no meaningful or achievable agenda in Afghanistan. Whom are we kidding?

This young American cannot be held to the same standard as a senior officer, a physician in relative safety who walks in on a group of young men in their boxer shorts and opens fire. Each is in need of a different kind of help. One was in a position to help himself and chose a different path.

Sargeant Gibbs should never see the inside of a prison cell. The blood is on our hands and we cannot wash it away. Gibbs should be brought home and offered the kind of deprogramming and reprogramming he now desperately needs. We can do this for this young man. He didn't learn atrocity in America. He learned American atrocity in Afghanistan. No reason he should not live a productive life. How many men died and how many have suffered so that we can offer Calvin Gibbs the understanding and compassion he has earned and so richly deserves?

We need to bring the rest of them home, too.

Saturday, October 2, 2010