Thursday, October 21, 2010

That Little Faggit's Got an M-16

Season 4 of Boston Legal had Crane, Poole & Schmidt defending a gay general who had been dismissed after years of service. The general said he regretted not being more supportive of his gay son, also in the US Army.


If you guys want to parade your tiny swinging dicks, do it on Main Street or Fifth Avenue. The rest of us have little interest in your preferences and proclivities and would rather you kept them to yourselves. Confront me with that thing and my only inclination is to cut it off.

Most gay guys I've had occasion to know seem distant, unwilling to engage me as a true friend. I find they prefer the company of other gays and liberal wusses. They also seem to have an aspect of despair about them and feign a lightness of being to cover it. Just an observation. I am just as happy to be wrong. Call me a homophobe if it makes you feel better. In fact, just call me, show me you're a real person. Or keep on ignoring me as you have in the past. UP yours!

The US Army is not a platform from which you guys should be proclaiming your differences, uniqueness, whatecver. It's embarassing. What's the matter with you? Praise God a higher court has overturned the injunction. If one of you should be willing march with me into battle, I will embrace you with open arms.

Should you wish to pursue a career as some kind of REMF and wear pink underwear while telling me how great it is, get outta town! As for you bull types, there is an abundance of hetero female types willing to take YOU on!

Take it somewhere else!

Bring the rest of our men and women home and let those infidels fight it out among THEMselves.

Find Jesus within yourself.

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