Monday, February 7, 2011

Pittsburgh Runs Out of Time

Amazing those guys remember how to play football after all that diversion in Big D, now Large Death. Not The D and, certainly, no Chi Town. The Big Apple is just... well... big. Not that anyone in their right mind would want to live (that being what it's called) in any of those shitholes.


It's Roethlisberger versus the Rugrats.

At least, that's what The Wall Street Journal calls them in a headline today. I'm not stooping any futher (sic).

Used to be I could read the morning papers without getting offended by some journalistic boor. The NY Times is so-better-than-moi I can barely stand to look at it. Even the automobiles section has gone snooty, never mind.

But The Journal?! Jeez, Louise! What kind of yuppie wanna' be their audience target?

"LeShawn, can you put the word 'before' into a sentence?"

"Sho. Two plus two be foh."

"What about you, Manuel?"

"He right, Homes."

When Rupert first bought The Journal, the oldtimers said, "He can't do that to us."

It had been said before, and like before, all those older guys are history, replaced by clueless ass-kissers. At least with McDaily, ole Rupert can start fresh, there bein' nobody to replace. What joy.

Bring out fightin' chirren (sic) home from Afghanistan.

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