Monday, September 13, 2010

The Woman You Love May Be Killing You

The following letter comes from Cliff in Wyoming.

Dear Miss Vito:

I loved your show and can understand why you put up with Vinny.

I was in a traffic accident a couple of weeks ago. I can't even remember what my wife and I were talking about at the time, but it had to be some kind of distraction. I was making a U-turn when my pickup got T-boned on the driver side by some little gal in a Land Cruiser. We both got citations from the Highway Patrol but I can't even remember why we were where we were, how we got there or where we were going.

When the paramedics arrived I was unconscious, sitting in a pool of blood from the wound in my forehead. They thought I was dead, but the docs in the ER revived me some 45 minutes later.

More to come...

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