Sunday, June 13, 2010

American President a Wuss

He's acting like a bully to look more forceful, trying to beat up on BP. Why does he think he needs to hold their feet to the fire? He can't regulate his way out of this one. Does he really believe stupidity can be regulated? What did we expect? He's just another idiot lawyer, or is that statement redundant? How about a Slick Willie redux? Health insurance reform sure brought the wimp parasites out of the woodwork.

The Afghanis think the Americans can't beat the Taliban. Sounds like the World Cup, doesn't it? The Americans say the Afghanis are corrupt. The NYT reports "a widespread perversion of authority by Afghan power brokers." One could substitute American for Afghan and be closer to the truth. Would it come as any surprise that Afghani culture is different from ours, to the degree our brand of civilization has any claim on 'culture'. Would that be Hip-Hop?

Do we expect others to shun political expediency while we demonstrate mastery and perversion of the art? Keep alienating the few, if any, friends we have in the world and we shall see a mushroom cloud 'over there'. Saudi Arabia anyone? Anyone? Bring our boys home, dammit!

On a lighter note, check out Lisa Lampanelli. She may be a bit brassy but at least she has the chutzpah to admit her caboose is bigger than it wants to be. Tastefully dressed, she is.

J. Walker passed this one along. Have a great day. Have fun out there.

Speaking of chutzpah:

A little old lady sells pretzels on a street corner in New York City for 25 cents each.

Every day, a young man would leave his office building at lunch time, and as
he passed the pretzel stand, he would leave her a quarter, but never take a

This went on for more than three years. The two of them never spoke. 

One day, as the young man passed the old lady's stand and left his quarter
as usual, but the pretzel lady spoke to him. She said: "They're 35 cents now."

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