Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Democrats Demand New Bubble for Investment

The credit for that headline belongs to The Onion. Regardless, with financial reform in the hands of characters comme ces dex oiseaux, pictured above, Americans can rest assured the forthcoming regulations will have little impact on the current state of affairs while punishing the innocent. Surprise, surprise, surprise...

Paul Volcker admits he "might be old-fashioned." Now, that's a breath of fresh air. Nevertheless, by the time the his ideas get a chance to work, we shall all be dead. No disrepect.

Ben Bernanke's the man now and we should be grateful for this Princeton man. The 'Chicago School' has caused enough trouble already. Likely, Bernanke has done about all he can do except continue to hold the line. Most of the stimulus money goes in the wrong direction, remains unspent and represents a pittance in terms of what's needed. Meantime, the profligate waste of tax dollars goes forward. Even Volcker admits a VAT won't be enough. The sitting Federal chairman should be quiet and inscrutable. Even the venerable Volcker has been co-opted by our fearless leader while Brother Ben waits for someone to ask the right question.

Is now the time to raise taxes while pursuing meaningless 'unsustainable' deficits?

Bring the men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan home, dammit! Buy some more airplanes. Offer a tax credit on ammunition. Do something. And get them yellowbellies outta here.

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