Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Doing the Impossible for the Ungrateful

The war on terror has become even more insane than the war on drugs. Pretty soon we shall have a war on math scores. We already have a war on American history. Not to mention the war on the American people being conducted in the White House.

General Stanley McChrystal looks like one of the smarter guys around. He probably took the job in Afghanistan because he knew somebody would, regardless how mad the plan might be. A truly likable guy. Probably thought Rolling Stone would at least give him a fair shake. After all, look at the publicity machines behind guys like Theodore Roosevelt and Douglas MacArthur. Roosevelt weren't no Big Kahuna and MacArthur's arrogance nearly got everybody killed at Leyte Gulf. He should've stayed in the Philippines with his men. Alexander or Attila would never have abandoned their men. And Attila was called a barbarian. Turns out he spoke Greek and Latin, as well as, his native tongue. Alexander let Darius escape rather than lose his general, Paremenio, at Issus.

American fighting men have survived, to their horror, fiasco after fiasco orchestrated by power-hungry, lily-livered REMF (that's rear echelon) incompetents like Robert McNamara and William Westmoreland, and now, Barack Hussein Obama, Joseph Biden and their cronies.

Stan the Man is now going to get his early retirement. Beer in the Rose Garden, anyone? No doubt David, with one hand tied behind his back, would have had difficulty with Goliath. God help us all.

Bring those men and women home from Afghanistan NOW, dammit!

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