Friday, June 18, 2010

Point, Blame, Punish, Absolve Self

I could work this one to death. The popular press is feeding the frenzy of outrage at the Federal Reserve, BP, the private sector, you name it. Instead of the government, the government, the government. Did I mention the government? People were criticizing what they didn't understand fifty years ago.

Talked to Mom today. She said the local BP station had closed down. 'Course I had to  say, 'Mom! How they gonna' pay for the cleanup if they go outta bidness?' It's like that old saying, 'We found out most accidents occur within 25 miles of home, so we moved.'

Peggy Noonan says O'Bummer is 'snakebit.' Which means the dumbass cain't do shit. Ooahh can mean different things depending upon how it's pronounced. It can be a polite form of 'Duh! What were you thinking, numbnuts?' I'm beginning to like Peggy more and more. Snakebit. Think about it. There's no way to get 'unsnakebit.' Once bit, it don't go away. High desert logic. Take it however you wish. There it is.

If I shoot the neighbor's dog cause they trained it to shit on my lawn, it's 'Animal Cruelty.' Ten thousand-dollar fine, one year in jail. Almost worth tossing that Bichon Frisé into traffic.  Where's the cruelty? The mutt died instantly!

Now what about Ronnie Lee?

OK, he's guilty as hell, no question. He says he did it. Buncha people saw it. I believe I would choose a bullet over lethal injection, had I the choice. We know what it's like to get shot. What we don't know is what it's like to get shot up. Besides, it makes killers out of all involved. The unconcerned can distance and absolve themselves, relieved that it's over. Well it ain't over, dammit! Not for those that carry out the execution. Those men and women coming back from Iraq won't talk about the killing except among themselves. What does that tell you? And what about the next time? What if we shoot the wrong guy?

At his commutation hearing, Mr. Gardner wept after telling the board that his attempts to apologize to the  families of his victims had been unsuccessful. He said he hoped for forgiveness. "If someone hates me for 20 years, it's going to affect them," he said. "I know killing me is going to hurt them just as bad. It's something you have to live with every day. You can't get away from it. I've been on the other side of the gun. I know."

Is forgiveness still not part of the paradigm?

I have been considering asking my friend, the esteemed Colonel Quatafi, to write an advice column for this blogspot. I like him because he didn't promote himself to general, and he brings his own translator. Plus, he wears cool outfits. Reminds me of Jimi Hendrix and the taste of wild hickory nuts. Whaddya think?

Bring our people home! Please.

1 comment:

  1. Great writing! Death penalty is a difficult. For some crime I think it's a better punishment to let a killer or abuser live with it for years. We don't have death penalty here in Norway, but on the other hand we killed the Nazi leaders like Mr. Quisling after the war. Double-moral?????
