Saturday, July 10, 2010

Kenyan Son Denounced, Disinherited

Response to Fluid Reality's invitation on behalf of our Brotherly Leader has been overwhelming. Boris has been burning the midnight oil reading email, sorting questions into some kind of order and forwarding them to the Colonel, who is as busy a man as one might expect for a renowned international leader.

Many questions relate to Brother Leader's view of President Barry O'Bama, also known reverently as FUBO, and his 'silent' war on illegal immigration. 'Colonel, what do you think of Japan's response to the Mexican vermin that, at first, were so readily welcomed to Japan as guest workers?' is typical of the immigration issues on people's minds. The Colonel's office has indicated he will entertain certain questions regarding immigration at his earliest convenience.

In the meantime, readers are encouraged to stock up on Brotherly Leader's Green Book and reflect upon jamahiriya and its implications for the oppressed and downtrodden workers of the world.

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